Saturday, March 22, 2008

Leigh Leigh's Brain Teasers - Day 3

You may find that each new clue not only knocks any of your original guesses out of play, but that you also become more confused. We found it much easier to make guesses when we only had a couple of secrets that had to support our logic. Let those gears turn!


SECRET 1: It is a hexagon alone, but forms a circle with others

SECRET 2: They can rust or wrinkle

SECRET 3: They are created by instructions and create instructions

SECRET 4: Villain



SECRET 1: May need a key

SECRET 2: Some push, some pull, some paint

SECRET 3: They can be circles, squares or strings

SECRET 4: Capable of changing people's minds



SECRET 1: When they rotate really fast, they do not spin

SECRET 2: Can be made of metal, paper or skin

SECRET 3: Can remember who you are

SECRET 4: Father or six


Gale said...

Please explain; Friday, Clue 4.
Father or Six ???
I need a new brain.
I hope your Dad is playing.

Leigh Leigh said...

The character refers to someone who has six children. This answer is the only person. The other three are objects.

I hope that he is playing too. I need to check in with them to make sure that they are.