Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Playing Dress Up

I would probably say that dressing up for Halloween or any other kind of themed party is one of my least favorite things. It may steam from my fear of acting and the idea that you take on the persona of someone else. Steven absolutely loves it. Funny how we are so different.

We attended a party on Halloween eve and pulled our costumes right out of the closet. As several people said, we were not really out of our element considering that they fit our personalities and past activities. At least we dressed up and to my happiness did not spend money on unnecessary costumes. Yes, except for the glasses and the mullet, Steven actually wears that gear out into the woods!

We visited the nieces on Halloween and helped to pass out candy!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

This was our second year spending an evening prior to Halloween carving pumpkins. The patterns require a lot of attention and effort and so we chose to share one pumpkin this year. Last year we were a little sick of carving by the time we finished.

It is pretty amazing what you can do with a pattern. I remember seeing these kind of pumpkins when I was a kid. I was always so impressed by the designs and figured that some really talented artists must have contributed. Then you grow up and find out how easy it is. Our pumpkin is on the last row, second from the left.